On the sports side of the equation, CBC/Radio-Canada has made a commitment to gender parity in amateur sports coverage. That means we've gone from 4% of women covered in sport to 50%. In parasports, we've made an enormous commitment to coverage on a year-round basis.
The IOC considers CBC/Radio-Canada in the top five Olympic broadcasters in the world because of our year-round commitment to amateur sports. To be clear, if not for CBC/Radio-Canada—and we heard this from the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Canadian Paralympic Committee last week at a conference where they stated this without prompting from us—there would be no support for our amateur athletes in this country. It is profound.
Similarly, on the music side, without the Junos, l'Adisq, and all of the things that we do for emerging talent in music, writing and performing, we would be impoverishing this country.