The report emphasizes the importance of Société Radio-Canada, the SRC, for French-language services throughout Canada, but essentially in Quebec, for the survival of the French language and Quebec culture. As we know, the SRC is very much appreciated in Quebec. The original content created by the SRC's craftspeople for Quebec viewers is made up of programs and other content that are extremely popular in general.
Do you agree with the report's recommendation that the Quebec government ask for certain security measures for the future to be built into the new mandate? For example, it is recommended that the Broadcasting Act be amended to ensure that there is systematically a vice-president of French services and a vice-president of English services. This is not in the law. It's a practice, but it's not necessarily in the law.
Do you also agree, for example, with the bilingualism requirement for both the person occupying the position of president, as you do, and that of chair of the board? It's a practice, but it's not yet in the law. Do you think these measures would be easy to implement and would be effective?