Adopting laws in support of freedom of artistic expression is a recommendation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO. There are several parts to that. It provides for the protection of expression as such, so the production and dissemination of art, but it also pays attention to the status of artists and the conditions under which they practise.
I believe you've already produced a report on these issues in this committee.
In Quebec, there's an in-depth review of the act on the status of the artist.
For the time being, work remains to be done on the issue of artistic expression and, certainly, on the specificity of that expression, on the risk-taking it entails. We also have to try to paint a picture, since artists' assaults have been on the rise since 2018, for all kinds of reasons.
So I think we could draw inspiration, for example, from countries that have passed legislation to protect artistic expression, as France has done recently. That's one example.