Thank you, Madam Chair.
Committee members, we're all here to talk about CBC/Radio-Canada, so let's do that.
I want to make it clear to everyone in this room and to the people listening to us that the Conservatives are using anything to do with CBC/Radio-Canada to undermine the credibility of the public broadcaster. The reality is that they have no interest in the good of this institution at all and are working tirelessly to obtain a licence to destroy it. So these are two competing visions today.
First, the Conservatives claim to be concerned about jobs and the people involved. They're not. Their record of decisions during the Harper-Poilievre government tells a much darker story, and their slogan “Defund the CBC” threatens 8,000 direct jobs and tens of thousands of indirect jobs.
Let's review the facts. Every year after 2012, the Conservatives cut $115 million from the CBC. As a result of successive cuts by the Harper-Poilievre government, more than 1,700 Canadians lost their jobs. Therefore, I find their sudden interest in preserving jobs hypocritical and misleading.
With respect to pay for performance, we understand the issues around that. We, too, expect public money to be well managed at all times. We will therefore be closely following the study announced by the board of directors, which says that it wants to review this compensation method and explore better ways of doing things.
However, once again, the Conservatives' doublespeak is dishonest. I would remind you, members of the committee, that it was under the last Conservative government that performance pay was increased by over 65%, including for the person selected as president of CBC/Radio-Canada at the time, Hubert T. Lacroix.
You will therefore understand that it is pointless to pretend and engage in false debates. The reality is that the Conservatives are constantly campaigning to destroy CBC/Radio-Canada. We can't let them do that.
The truth is that they no longer want the independent public broadcaster to play a major role in informing our communities across the country. They no longer want CBC/Radio-Canada to be a driver of our cultural and artistic community. They tell us that they will erase nearly 100 years of history of one of the most established and recognizable Canadian brands from coast to coast to coast in both official languages.
In seeking to destroy the public broadcaster, they are showing a total disregard for reconciliation and telling us they no longer want CBC/Radio-Canada to keep producing content in eight indigenous languages.
With their slogan “Defund the CBC”, the Conservatives are telling us that they no longer want a public broadcaster that is there for francophone communities across the country. Let's be very clear about this: whatever their empty slogan is, it's impossible to “defund” the CBC without having an irretrievable impact on Radio-Canada. To say otherwise illustrates the incredible level of improvisation and lack of vision on the part of the Conservatives when it comes to the public broadcaster. In fact, the story they tell about CBC/Radio-Canada is false and out of touch.
Let's continue with the facts. Polls have shown for a number of years that, despite criticism and a desire to see an improvement, the public largely supports the existence of CBC/Radio-Canada. For example, the most recent study, released just three weeks ago, pegged public support at 78%. It's time for the Conservatives to take note of this.
What is the real motivation of the Conservatives? Could it be that they want to undermine the credibility of CBC/Radio-Canada because they prefer a digital universe flooded with less credible self-proclaimed influencers, disinformation and even foreign interference orchestrated by states hostile to Canada?
I remind you that, when it comes to journalism, CBC/Radio-Canada employs nearly a third of the country's journalists. By wanting to “defund” the institution, what the Conservatives really want is to deprive Canadians of professional journalistic information based on facts and produced under a code of ethics. For example, do they find that shows like Enquête or The Fifth Estate, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary, no longer have a place to shed light on the problems we are concerned about?
Attacking the public broadcaster is above all a way to weaken us collectively. This Conservative relentlessness is dangerous. The Conservatives claim to be in favour of freedom, while working to deprive Canadians of their public broadcaster. Is that the Conservatives' game plan, to destroy CBC/Radio-Canada in order to give foreign platforms free rein?
As I was saying earlier, there are two opposing views here.