Thank you for giving the Canadian Media Guild the opportunity to express its views on the means the Canadian government should have at its disposal to ensure freedom of expression in this country.
Remember that freedom of the press and other media of communication was enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms because it is essential to guarantee Canadians' fundamental right to freedom to conceive and express ideas, to meet with others to discuss them and to disseminate them.
Canadians' freedom of expression therefore depends on the freedom of their press. Let's talk about freedom of the press. Press freedom exists when the media ecosystem includes multiple, diversified independent media, which receive and transmit information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of the medium, and thus contribute to nourishing and shaping public opinion, an essential element of democratic debate.
For freedom of the press, and therefore freedom of expression, to exist in Canada, we need a healthy media ecosystem. For this media ecosystem to be healthy, the Canadian government must have certain means at its disposal.
The government must have the means to ensure a solid foundation for our media ecosystem. This solid foundation begins with a sustainable funding model for its public broadcaster, stable long-term funding that adjusts to the economic realities of the day, a funding model that ensures the public broadcaster has a sufficient budget to fulfill the mandate given to it by Canadians.
The public broadcaster should have sustainable funding, because its core mandate is to support Canadians in exercising their fundamental rights: their freedom of thought, belief and expression, their freedom to conceive and express ideas, and their freedom to gather with others to discuss and disseminate them.
The public broadcaster should have long-term funding, because Canadians' freedom of expression, ensured by freedom of the press, should in no way be influenced by the political vagaries of Parliament Hill.
Stable, long-term funding for the public broadcaster is one more way for the Canadian government to demonstrate that CBC/Radio-Canada is indeed a public broadcaster, not a state broadcaster. A budget commensurate with the public broadcaster's mandate is essential if all Canadians are to have equitable access to freedom of expression as provided by the media.
The democratic discourse of Canadians is not complete when it does not include the concerns of farmers in Saskatchewan, hunters in Iqaluit, outfitters in the Yukon and fishers in Yarmouth, Steveston, Cocagne or Cap-aux-Meules.
To avoid an imbalance in Canadian democratic discourse, journalists must be present in as many communities as possible across the country. In this way, the government can act to give a voice to Canadians whose message runs counter to the popular discourse, to Canadians who belong to minority groups, and to Canadians who live far from areas of influence.
On this note, the Canadian Media Guild believes that, to guarantee freedom of expression for indigenous peoples, the federal government should also provide for the continued existence of a media designed and managed by members of these communities.
One media outlet is not enough to ensure freedom of expression in this country. The more media there are, the more Canadians will be able to express themselves. The Canadian government must therefore take steps to prevent ownership of the country's private media from being concentrated in the hands of a few or held by players outside our borders.
Freedom of the press also means protecting journalists. The government must equip itself with the means to better protect journalists in the performance of their duties.
Not only has it become more common for media workers to be verbally or physically abused by bystanders while in the field; some are also now being personally attacked by influential figures when they try to hold them to account. When influential members of society model these unacceptable behaviours, it opens the door for others to follow. The consequence can be a form of self-censorship on the part of some journalists, and this is another, though less obvious, limitation of freedom of the press.
To foster democratic discourse, journalists hold those in power to account. When the system fails to self-critique, those who witness situations that undermine Canada's democracy should be able to disclose this state of affairs without fear of reprisal. The Canadian government must strengthen the protection of whistle-blowers to better protect them.
Those who do not wish to be held accountable for their acts are the first to target journalists. Impunity comes with the absence of witnesses.
In December 2019, the Canadian government co-sponsored the most recent UN General Assembly resolution on the safety of journalists. The Canadian Media Guild believes that the protection of freedom of expression for media workers is best served if Canada follows through with what is proposed in this resolution.
In conclusion—