We agree on that.
Thank you, Mr. Geist.
I'm sure I'll have another question for you about Bill C‑63, but I want to address Ms. Forest as well.
Ms. Forest, we're talking about journalism and the current climate in the world of information, in the world of traditional journalism, let's say. There was a time when the profession of journalist came with many rules, commitments, criteria of rigour and principles that framed the profession. We can see that journalism is changing enormously. There's a lot of commentary and militant journalism. What's more, the youngest journalists currently graduating from schools are much more committed and want to do more committed journalism too. So they're turning to platforms that are a little more in line with their values and commitment criteria.
Is this a risk for the journalism profession?
Are we capable of protecting traditional journalism?
You were talking earlier about CBC/Radio-Canada, which plays an essential role in this kind of news coverage.
Tell me what you think of the current trend among new journalists entering the market.