I just want to point out that those were not insults. It may be insulting to hear that ad revenue is down, but that is just a fact. It may be insulting to hear that 97% of Canadians choose to watch things on TV other than the CBC, but that is just a fact. It is just a fact that trust in the CBC has fallen by 17% in just four years.
When I had a chance to ask you about trust in the CBC, one of your responses back was that the number of corrections that CBC News issued was up. That was proof or some kind of evidence that the CBC could be trusted. I look at it the other way. When you have a falsehood broadcast on the national news, and then a correction follows up a few days later, or in an online post, that doesn't instill confidence and trust in the CBC. It points out that the CBC allows things to get to air before doing proper vetting, validation and fact-checking.
It may be insulting to hear the dollar amounts about executive bonuses, but I'll tell you who was really insulted. It was the frontline workers who were laid off when the CBC was claiming it didn't have enough money to keep that entire workforce and who then read in the paper—or read in a news source other than the CBC, because they probably weren't watching it either—that senior management and executives all got bonuses.
Those are just facts. Everything I have listed off comes from third party, independent sources who have indicated all that.
Again, I just want to say thanks for your help in our efforts to defund the CBC.