Ms. Tait, I think your answer is part of the problem here. The CBC belongs to Canadians. Without question, there are certain legal obligations, but one would also note that we are in exceptional times. The CBC's mere survival is at risk. Canadians want to see a public broadcaster that is accountable to them, not doling out executive bonuses while cutting jobs and failing to invest in local and regional broadcasting. I hope your successor will do a better job when it comes to ensuring that the CBC is not out of touch on that front.
We have asked, and the NDP has asked, for a banning of executive bonuses, making sure that CBC employees are kept on the job to ensure that local and regional broadcasting is able to be done the way Canadians deserve that it be done. The last thing we need is a CBC that is out of touch with Canadians.
I also want to question you about the importance of Radio‑Canada.
When the Leader of the Opposition speaks to the media in English, he often mentions his objective to defund the CBC, but he never mentions the SRC. He always refers solely to the CBC.
But his plan is clear: He wants to defund both. His Quebec members never speak in the same way as his other members. That's precisely how “the two solitudes” are expressed for the members of the Conservative Party. They say one thing in French and another in English.
Would you please describe how the efforts that the Conservative Party leader has made to attack the CBC and the SRC have affected your work?