Thank you, Ms. Tait.
I was just reflecting on what we used to watch when we were growing up. Because we didn't have cable, we watched the CBC, and there were a lot of lessons that Mr. Dressup taught us. One of them was about being truthful and about understanding all of the things around us, so that we could decide how we were going to show up.
I find it disappointing that a lot of the conversations we have had with you have been around a base set of “facts” that actually are not grounded in reality at all. I mean, this whole notion of performance pay versus bonuses is something we have litigated a million times at this committee. The whole question of how the CBC is performing relative to other platforms when it comes to news in this country has been tossed around like a political football.
I want to end my questions with you today around the whole concept we have heard from the Conservatives. Mr. Scheer laid bare today that there is an active campaign to defund the CBC. I think it's important for us to defend the CBC.
I want you, in very brief terms, to say to Canadians and Quebeckers what defunding the CBC, as Mr. Scheer wants to do, will actually mean for small communities, for large communities, for the news ecosystem in this country and for Canadians at large.
Could you summarize that in one minute or less?