Thank you, Madam Chair.
Whatever our views of Madam Tait may or may not be, there are a couple of things that are important to note. One is that she's ending her term at a normal juncture for appointments. There's no exit package. There's no severance. This is a matter of public record.
We also heard and discussed time and again the importance of an independent CBC and board. To put this committee in a situation in which all of a sudden we are dictating the terms of compensation and directing the Privy Council Office on the terms of compensation for an independent Crown corporation sets a very dangerous precedent. Whether or not we like the performance of Madam Tait or of the CBC, whatever the story may be, we have a role as parliamentarians and running the Crown corporation is definitely not it, and certainly, deciding the compensation of any Crown corporation, however we may feel about it, is not it.
While I appreciate what Mr. Kurek is seeking to do, I will certainly be voting against this motion because of the very dangerous precedent that it seeks to set in terms of parliamentary committees determining, dictating and instructing independent Crown corporations on compensation.