I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 142 of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.
Before we begin, I would like to remind everyone of the rules. You will find the guidelines on the cards on your table, telling you where to place your devices so that we do not cause feedback for the interpreters.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format. I want to remind you of the following things.
Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. For members participating in person, please raise your hand, or if you are participating by Zoom, there is a “raise hand” icon at the bottom of your computer screen that can let you put your hand up.
Also, I want to remind everyone that all comments should be addressed through the chair.
I will give you a 30-second shout-out, a real shout-out. I will yell, “30 seconds”, and you will hear me because I can't count on you looking up to see me giving a time signal. Basically, you'll get warning when you have 30 seconds left to finish.
Pursuant to the order of reference of Tuesday, October 29, the committee will resume its further consideration of the eighth report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.
Today, regarding that report, I want to welcome our witness. There's only one witness today.
Welcome, Madame Marie-Philippe Bouchard, chief executive officer of TV5 Québec Canada.
You have five minutes, Ms. Bouchard, for your opening remarks. I will give you that 30-second yell when you have 30 seconds left. Then, of course, there will be a question-and-answer period in which people will ask you questions.
Begin, please, for five minutes, Ms. Bouchard.