I don't think its current funding should just be maintained; it should be increased. We discussed the small media outlets and the people who feel they're competing. You have to remember that, if Radio-Canada stopped advertising, it's advertising revenue would go to private broadcasters. They won't be double-dipping.
On the other hand, I think Radio-Canada's vision should also include the idea of supporting local news outlets by sharing certain parts of its turf with those outlets that also need support, since they can't survive on their current revenue levels.
There may be solutions, but we need to have that conversation. As I said, it has to be done with an open mind. We can't just put the lid on the Radio-Canada pot and say it's worthless now, then set it aside and have to reinvent the model. We have something solid here, and we have to continue working on it. There has to be accountability, of course. We have a right to question budget allocations or—