Thank you very much, Madam Chair, and thank you to our witnesses.
Grand Chief, you spoke powerfully about your experience, the experiences of indigenous peoples, and the experiences of first nations that you represent here in our region. I know that on many occasions you have also spoken very powerfully about your experience as a survivor of the residential school system. You've spoken in the past about the trauma and abuse you and so many survivors were subjected to. You've talked about the need for Canadians to know this dark history, and its impacts today.
However, we know there are many who seek to downplay this. My colleague, Leah Gazan, has put forward a bill to make it clear that residential school denialism is a form of hate. Unfortunately, there are many who are troubled by that proposal. For those who seek to downplay or deny the devastating impacts of residential schools, the way in which it was used as a tool of genocide, can you use your freedom of expression to talk some sense into them?