Pursuant to the motion adopted by the committee on Monday, January 31, 2022, the committee is meeting for its study of emblems of hate. Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format. Some of you are appearing virtually and some are in place. For those people who are in the room, I would like to remind you of the Board of Internal Economy's request of March 10, 2022, that all those attending the meeting in person must wear a mask, except for members who are at their place during proceedings. Even then I think it's important to wear a mask.
I want to make a few comments for the benefit of the witnesses. Members, please wait until I recognize you by name before you speak. If we are having trouble with interpretation or any such thing, let us know right away so we can fix it and get on with the meeting. Of course, you're not allowed to take pictures of this meeting at all.
For those on Zoom, you have a choice at the bottom of your own device to move from English to French. There's an interpretation icon there. Just remember that all comments should be made through the chair.
For members in the room, you know the drill: If you wish to speak, raise your hand. For members on Zoom, please use the “raise hand” function on your screen. The clerk and I will try to manage your requests and give you priority in the order you put your hand up.
In accordance with our routine motion, I am informing the committee that all witnesses have completed the required connection tests in advance of the meeting.
I now would like to welcome our witnesses.
The witnesses are, from the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, Bernie Farber, chair; from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, Richard Marceau, vice-president; and from the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence, Roselyne Mavungu, executive director.
We also have, from the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, Michael Levitt, president and chief executive officer, who has a colleague with him.
From the Hindu Federation, we have Mr. Roopnauth Sharma, president; from the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, Daniel Panneton, manager; and from Urban Rez Solutions Social Enterprise, Roderick Brereton and Farley Flex.
Each witness has five minutes to speak. I will give you a 30-second warning so that you can wrap up. If you don't get to finish everything you have to say, don't forget that there will be a question-and-answer session in which you can add the pieces that you didn't get to finish.
We're going to begin with Mr. Farber for five minutes, please.