Mr. Scott, I'm just going to continue here.
Bill C-11 does, in fact, leave user-generated content open to being regulated by the CRTC. I recognize that there have been arguments against this. However, Dr. Michael Geist has said, “The indisputable reality is that the net result of those provisions is that user generated content is covered by the bill.”
Jeanette Patell from YouTube Canada has said, per The Canadian Press, “the draft law's wording gives the broadcast regulator”—in other words, you—“scope to oversee everyday videos posted for other users to watch.”
Scott Benzie from Digital First Canada has said, per the National Post, “while the government says the legislation will not cover digital first creators, ‘the bill clearly captures them.’”
All these individuals are individual users generating content. It would appear that the bill does or could, in fact, capture them. Is that correct?