Earlier this morning, Mr. Payette explained to us just how drastically the field of music had changed since the introduction of these online platforms. Now, the largest source of music is YouTube.
We have excellent artists, like Hubert Lenoir and Ariane Moffatt, who get some exposure. How do you get exposure? You can perform at concerts, release what we used to call records back in the day, or make sure that your music as much play as possible on radio. However, that's no longer the way people listen to music.
That means not only that a different way has to be found to regulate the presence of music on platforms like YouTube, but also to ensure that francophone artists can be heard on these platforms.
The task of determining how this can be done will no doubt fall to the CRTC. What will clearly happen unless an act like the one being studied at the moment does not receive support, and if we are unable to provide a regulatory structure to support it, francophone artists will remain undiscovered. It will mean that our writers will will almost no money. In the medium and longer term, it means the disappearance of our music.