Yes. Thank you for getting this back to broadcasting. With no disrespect to our friends in YouTube and TikTok and such, the platforms that we need to access for greater revenue from what we're making in content are Amazon, Apple TV+, Roku and such, and they don't just admit your content directly, as YouTube and TikTok do. It's a huge difference that it's important for everybody to understand. You need to have a library of content. You need to have a refresh of content.
The challenge that we're going to face going forward is ensuring that we can get onto these platforms and get access to them, because they are controlled by foreign entities. OUTtv is not just on these platforms in Canada but around the world. We have been denied access on certain platforms in the U.S. and certain platforms in Asia simply due to LGBTQ content. Those same platforms will be coming to Canada at some point. Two of them that I won't mention by name are scheduled to launch in Canada in 2023, so there's a huge concern for Canadian broadcasters.
This would include APTN and other broadcasters, but even services that Mr. Reeb has at Corus might be faced with competition from a foreign service, or the foreign service just might say, “Sorry, but we're fully loaded. We have enough American services and we don't need Canadian services.” These are very real concerns. They're happening in the industry right now, and for us to continue in our business.... We have a different business model. We need a premium level of content.
As I've said, we've been successful. We've launched in the U.S. on various platforms. We're in Australia. We're in other ones around the world, but what we're seeing around the globe is that it's going to be tough out there. The starting point for Canadian broadcasters needs to be access to these online platforms in our country. That's why this is so fundamentally important to the broadcasting business. This very much separates us from the YouTubers and the TikTokers, who can get access and go global.
We are trying to get access and go global. We want that same business model, but it's much more difficult in the premium-level platforms. If we don't regulate this properly—if we don't have the CRTC's ability to tell Apple and Amazon that this channel is an important Canadian service and it's on your platform—then I'm worried that we're going to have real problems continuing with our services in Canada. That's why I focused on those items.