The CRTC has a lot of talented people there, but I don't think it has the structure yet to be able to regulate this. It needs to learn about issues like user-generated content, which is why it would be a good idea to take it out of the bill.
If you wanted to carve out just a single sector and find a way—as I suggested, find the $150 million somewhere—to divert that money or ensure that money is being reinvested into Canada, it could probably cope with that. However, the decisions that are left for it to make in Bill C-11, such as deciding what companies this applies to and that sort of stuff, are going to cause them to have to hire a lot of people and build a new area of expertise, because it's not broadcasting.
As some of the witnesses said here today.... Ms. Fortier pointed out that even the architects of the legislation don't seem to understand the businesses and the business structures they are trying to legislate. There is no reason that people would, unless they're involved in it. This isn't an area the CRTC has been involved in, so I would think it would need to expand its expertise.