Thank you, Warren.
Bill C-11, as currently drafted, establishes two standards for the requirement to use Canadian talent with different rules for Canadian and foreign online broadcasters. Specifically, proposed paragraph 3(1)(f) maintains the historic requirement that a “broadcasting undertaking shall employ and make maximum use, and in no case less than predominant use, of Canadian creative and other human resources” but only for Canadian broadcasters, while proposed paragraph 3(1)(f.1) creates a significantly weaker obligation to “make the greatest practicable use of Canadian creative and other human resources” for foreign online undertakings.
This objective can be achieved by using a common definition of “Canadian program” and applying similar requirements for both domestic and foreign online broadcasters. Proposed paragraph 3(1)(f) remains the lifeblood of the broadcasting policy. While we understand that the current definition of a Canadian program may need to be revised, we think it is imperative not to lower the standard for requirements to use Canadian talent and creative resources. Without making this amendment a priority, we are concerned that the positive impact of the new act on the domestic production sector would be limited.
The opportunities to tell Canadian stories would continue to decrease by the alarming rate of on average 10% per year to the point where both the English- and French-language markets would be unable to compete globally.
Members of the committee, we thank you for your time and will be pleased to respond to any of your questions.