Thank you for that question. I appreciate it. I think that was a plea for me to teach you how to skateboard, so I accept.
To answer your question, I take my cues from the platform itself. There are trends that go on. There's a certain way that I find the algorithm works. You have to do hooks or a trending sound. I have a certain amount of content that I want to push out there. I know what the five steps are to get you to start skateboarding, so I kind of combine the two.
I do everything myself. I have an iPhone. I go out in my backyard. I shoot a video. I make my kids watch it to make sure I'm not making a fool of myself, and then I publish said video. Some of the videos do well; some of them don't. I don't care. They don't always have to do well. That's kind of how it goes.
There's a certain formula where you can get more views versus fewer views. That's kind of what I do.