I do not believe that it is the role of the government to impress French content upon Canadians if they don't want it. If Canadians want to watch, say, French YouTube videos, there is nothing to prevent them from discovering those videos and watching them. I do not believe it is appropriate for the government to pass laws, regulations or mandates that would force YouTube to impose French content on YouTube users who don't want to watch that. To me, that seems just preposterous.
I think this should be ultimately a consumer-driven phenomenon. What consumers want to consume is what they should be free to consume. I don't think it's the role of government to tell them to watch more French videos or tell them to watch more videos on X, Y or Z. I don't think it has anything to do with French. It has everything to do with consumer demand.
That's my perspective because I believe in a free market and I believe in a free market approach to culture. I don't believe in the idea of a government-knows-best approach to culture in which politicians, bureaucrats or whoever get together and say, “Do you know what Canadians need to watch more of? It's this, that and that, and we should use the strength and the power of government to force this into their YouTube feeds, their subscription feeds, onto their airwaves or onto the radio” or whatever. That's my opinion.
I know that's perhaps not your opinion, but that's what I believe. I believe in the freedom of consumer choice. I believe that content should sink or swim based on its popularity.