Thank you for the question.
According to the evaluations, these programs have proven to be very effective in stimulating the whole touring and broadcasting ecosystem.
There are a lot of performing arts productions that are created only in one city that don't go on tour, but there's also a significant amount of our artistic production that goes across Canada. These two programs are part of a series of programs that create touring circuits. This makes touring economically viable and, in terms of climate, it also reduces the environmental footprint of each of these shows.
These two programs make it possible to have more activity in our communities, which, of course, benefits all performing arts actors. They could certainly benefit from an additional injection of funds, as my colleague Mr. Roy mentioned earlier. There were long‑awaited investments in 2019 that have since been renewed on a piecemeal basis. I think it would be appropriate to reconsider the level of funding for these programs, particularly to increase the diversity of their recipients. At the moment, they have essentially had the same clientele for several years because the lack of funding prevents new clients from accessing it.