Thank you, Madam Chair.
I think this requires more discussion than the six minutes that is currently involved. I'll make a few comments.
Again, we still haven't heard from the minister. The minister will be speaking later in this meeting. At least I hope the minister will be speaking later in this meeting. Again, until we've at least heard from the minister, I am not prepared to anticipate or prepare to provide a deadline for amendments. That's the first thing I would point out.
Second, I think it's perhaps disappointing—I'll use that word—that we're doing this in the middle of testimony. We've heard from our witnesses, but obviously we've only had six minutes' worth of questions and I have obviously a lot of things I'd like to ask our witnesses.
I'd like to ask more about their interpretation of what they would like to see with Canadian content and what types of changes they'd like to see, particularly in the music industry. I know we have both Mr. Cash and Ms. Kokonis from SOCAN. I'd like to hear their opinions of where we'd want to go with Canadian content.
Others have mentioned discoverability. I'd like to hear more in-depth what their opinions are on where we're going forward and obviously what changes might be needed or might be required in terms of amendments.
I'd want to hear from Mr. Norouzi about ICI Télévision and what his thoughts are on part II licence fees, which are effectively a tax on broadcasters.
Those are some of the things I want to be hearing about. I want to hear about what their thoughts are in terms of amendments and changes to this piece of legislation.
My suggestion at this point—and I will move this—is that we adjourn debate on this motion.