Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm glad to see that I still have a bit of time left.
I think it's really something that we are debating this motion, which received unanimous support in the House a few days ago, especially since it was a Bloc Québécois motion. When we were preparing this absolutely crucial motion, we understood the paramount importance of this issue. We had a debate amongst ourselves around the level of urgency we should give the study we were proposing.
I bring it up because this was a motion put forward by the Bloc Québécois, so I probably understand the intent behind it more than anyone. We did indeed discuss when would be the right time for the committee to hear from the people at Hockey Canada and the Minister of Sport. It was clear to us that the committee's consideration of Bill C‑11 took priority and should have our full attention as a matter of urgency. We agreed that, once that was dealt with, it would be appropriate to invite the Hockey Canada officials and the Minister of Sport.
I am trying to provide the context for the motion. Although we consider the motion to be crucially important and understand that it concerns a very sensitive topic to be handled with the utmost respect, never did we intend for the committee to deal with the subject matter of the motion before completing the examination of Bill C‑11. For that reason, I wholeheartedly support Mr. Julian's subamendment, which would ensure that, if we move swiftly to complete our work, we could hear from Hockey Canada officials and the Minister of Sport as early as next week. We could get on with the discussion of this extremely sensitive issue.