Absolutely. First, the bill is very clear. It excludes the users in proposed section 2.1. It's written there. I'm not inventing anything. The rest of the bill speaks for itself.
The problem is that people want us to see things in it that are not in the bill. These are simply not there. What we're looking for is if there's a platform or social media that plays an equivalent role of a streamer... In this case there's one, and it's YouTube. We're only talking about the commercial content, not what people post online. Whatever you post online, I'm sure it's great, but.... The CRTC actually said it very clearly. Now, other people will say, “Oh my God, you're going to play with algorithms.” No. It's clearly written there that the CRTC cannot play with algorithms. Lots of things are said about the bill that have nothing to do with the bill. The bill simply makes sure that the streamers and a platform that can be used by a streamer are covered by the bill. That's it, but users, no.