Thank you so much, Madam Chair.
I just wanted to come back to that. I don't know if it's another question or basically just a follow-up from me.
This amendment, the way it reads, is that “This Act does not apply”. It doesn't say, the way the other amendments do, that you do not carry out an online undertaking “for the purposes of this Act”. It's specifically saying the act doesn't apply to any company that falls under this financial threshold.
If I am a foreign operator with no company in Canada, basically simply a foreign operator that has all my employees outside of Canada and I'm not subject to any other Canadian jurisdiction, and I say the act doesn't apply to me at all, I don't think, then, the revenue-gathering powers of the act apply to that company. Certainly the foreign courts and the conflict of laws may very well say that, even if there's a Canadian court that renders judgment—which I'm not sure they would in that context—then there would be no application for a foreign country to give effect to that judgment.
To me, this is creating an exemption where any company that claims to be under the threshold is not subject to the act, and therefore could avoid the obligations under the act completely. For that reason, I'm even more convinced, even though I was convinced before, that I would vote against it.
Thank you, Mr. Ripley, for the answer.