Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm just going to make one final comment on this before it goes to a vote. If we take the government and the minister at their word—which I hope we can—there will be a threshold and the CRTC will set that threshold.
I personally think that we as parliamentarians have a duty to play a role, and that's why we've made this amendment that we, as elected officials representing our constituents from coast to coast to coast, should be here making that decision. That's why we've moved these amendments.
Obviously, we're down to $25 million, which is quite restrained when you look at, as Mr. Waugh mentioned, the millions that are spent by the government and by political parties annually here in Canada. I think the Liberal Party spent about $4 million on advertising in the last couple of years on Facebook, which is obviously a legitimate expense, but it doesn't take long to hit that threshold. This will capture the major foreign entities beyond a $25-million threshold.
There will be a threshold set if the government is to be taken at its word, but we as parliamentarians, we as the Conservative official opposition, believe that it should be a role played by us since we have not yet seen a policy directive from the government.
Thank you, Madam Chair.