All arts associations saw their membership decrease significantly during the pandemic. Obviously, although money matters, it is not what motivates artists first and foremost. As you have seen, they are almost all living below the poverty line, but what motivates them above all is to be seen, heard and recognized. Obviously, the lockdown has deprived them of this source of motivation. When an artist cannot exist as an artist or practise his art, he must find another way to exist. This is also true for people in other professions, but in the case of artists, they have been deprived of performing or of being able to collaborate on projects greater than themselves. That is what we mean by psychological backlash.
What worries us in the sector in particular is that not all of these people will come back. It’s the same with audiences, by the way. Not all of them will come back either, because they have developed other habits during the pandemic. Will everyone return to the venues, to the festivals, to the concerts? God only knows. Perhaps we will see a new economic model, a redefinition of the economic or profitability model of the cultural world.
I think that we should hold a sort of general meeting on the recovery. There are a lot of converging factors. It is not a simple matter of reopening. It’s not like a restaurant, where you just buy food, hire people and open the dining room a week later. You have to relaunch projects, relaunch people who are doing projects, put together funding structures, reopen venues. We know how difficult it is to recruit staff to relaunch venues. We talked a lot about festivals earlier, which receive subsidies and benefit from community investment. These investments must be relaunched. The work that needs to be done in the culture sector will be titanic over the next two years, and we need the government’s recommitment and a massive reinjection of public funds.