Sure. The average museum—this is not speaking about the national museums—receives about 40% of its funding from government sources. There are some pre-existing sources, but certainly, we needed the additional support through all of these various mechanisms that were put in place by the government.
Again, to get back to the museum policy, this is not necessarily a current issue. The original policy was established in 1970 and last updated in 1990, so you've had multiple opportunities prior to this pandemic to really look at how museums help communities to weather all sorts of storms. We provide a venue for, really, mental health. Other countries around the world prescribe museum visits as a solution to mental health concerns. I think that is something we could look at as well. It isn't just about the dollars. We certainly are grateful for those dollars, but I think as we look towards, hopefully, a slightly rosier future, we need to look at new granting models and new ways of administering the grants that are more responsive to community needs. We need to look at ways of building philanthropy for our entire sector, providing better matching funds and better tax incentives.