Thank you, Madam Chair.
I'd like to thank the minister for her remarks, which I think are very sincere.
Minister, I know you are being very sincere when you answer our questions, but it takes more than sincerity and fine words to end this crisis, as you so aptly described it. As a result of this crisis, new victims are being preyed on every single day.
It is true that Hockey Canada failed in its duty. It is also true that Sport Canada failed in its duty to protect the victims we heard about in Radio-Canada news reports, victims across a dozen or so sports, winter and summer—hockey, soccer, gymnastics and wrestling, just to name a few.
The reality is this is a crisis. People are still falling victim to sexual assault and abuse in sport. That shouldn't stand. Sport Canada should have done something years ago; it should have been more diligent and made sure that funding was tied to very strict conditions.
What do you have to say to all those people who were victims for years and are now coming forward? They were victims because Sport Canada didn't do any fact-checking, because it didn't require the 60 or so existing organizations to introduce processes to combat abuse in all forms, or to enforce zero-tolerance policies.