Thanks very much, Lisa.
That brings us to the end of this final round. We're coming to the end of our hour.
I want to thank Mr. Lorenzetti for coming here and answering questions, some of which were not appropriate for him to answer because he's a broker and not the insurer.
I'm pleased to hear, Mr. Lorenzetti, that you talked about risk management with Hockey Canada and made recommendations for them in the future.
I would like to thank the clerk and the interpreters. This has been a long session. Four hours is a very long time. I want to thank them for taking the time on a lovely summer afternoon to come here.
I also want to say that we have people whom we wish to hear from again. That is AIG themselves and someone from Sport Canada who has been ill and is prepared to come at another time.
With that, I want to thank everyone for coming together. Good questions were asked.
I will see you when I see you.
Thank you everybody.