Thank you very much for the question.
I'll start off by underlining that we share the same spirit of ensuring a sustainable news industry in Canada, both today and in the future. We agree with many of the observations made by my fellow witnesses.
To the question you're asking, in terms of payment for links, the legislation specifically creates an obligation based on making links to journalism sites available, and that creates the structure upon which Bill C-18 is built. There is difference among the department and the minister and then platforms on whether that constitutes a link tax, but I would underline that it confers value to links and then creates an incentive for publications to look for the repetition and promotion of links, which feeds into the conversation about what exactly is defined as an eligible news business.
To your second point, I will say that we are here because we want to participate in a thorough conversation about the details of this legislation so that it can move forward and be implemented in a way that achieves the public policy goals. That includes hearing from the minister and hearing from other stakeholders in future meetings.