The numbers you've cited are a signal of the crisis that's overtaking the industry and has been for several years. That includes some concern about advertising, but as mentioned by other members of the committee, it also concerns the restructuring of the business in Canada.
What I'm here to communicate to you and to the committee is that we've been in Canada for 20 years. We've been working with journalism organizations across the country—small, medium and large—for many years to try to help them make the transition and to try to help them both identify and exploit the opportunities not only in becoming an online presence, but in figuring out new revenue models, like Mr. Myles has been identifying and Mr. Jamison cited.
That is our approach to working with the industry today, and it will continue to be. We want to make sure that as there are shifts in one part of the industry, smaller and medium-sized organizations identify and then exploit the opportunities to grow their readership, to grow their impact and to find new audiences.