Thank you, Chair.
I've watched the last couple of years major organizations like Torstar buy small and medium companies, and then close them a year later—side deals—so they take their competitors out just like that. We've seen it in the Maritimes, and we've seen it here in Ontario. We've seen it all over this country. The big get bigger. They buy small and medium newspapers and then six to eight months down the road they close them.
It's interesting, Mr. Julian, that you talk about.... In our party, we represent everybody and that's why we're concerned with Bill C-18. Steve Nixon was here, from the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association. Probably half of my small newspapers in Saskatchewan don't qualify for Bill C-18. They will go under. I don't have to tell you that one of the newspapers sold for a dollar in my province recently. There is no value in small and medium newspapers in Saskatchewan, so how is Bill C-18...?
I'll ask the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association this, because in your province there's a split. You may want Bill C-18, but I look at other owners in your province who wouldn't be eligible for any of this money, so how do you speak on behalf of everyone in the province of Alberta with Bill C-18?
Mr. Jamison or Mr. Merrell, go ahead.