Let's talk about timelines.
You did raise the issue of antitrust legislation and going against big tech. You mentioned in your opening remarks 10 years to work through appeals that big tech could bring to stop antitrust legislation. They have with their power the ability to stop up the works for a decade. I think all of us understand the power that big corporations have.
On the timelines around the JCPA and Bill C-18, we're currently discussing the thresholds to make sure that this actually goes through, that negotiations are compelled, there is final offer arbitration and that there is a clear movement. What do you feel are appropriate timelines?
Many have said that there should be shorter timelines of three months for a negotiated period, arbitration, then final offer arbitration. That would all be taking place in a relatively short span of time and it forces big tech companies to actually work in good faith, rather than drawing things out, as they certainly would with antitrust legislation.
How important is it that there are relatively short timelines around negotiation, arbitration and final offer arbitration?