Yes, what I see that's so unfortunate is they're not just Astroturfing randomly, but they're going after what are traditionally progressive organizations with funding, and asking them to come out and sometimes oppose these bills that would reign in the tech platforms, or remain silent.
It's one thing—and I mean this with a bunch of love delivered to libertarians—for a libertarian front to say there's no market failure here; we don't need government. It's quite another to have a progressive organization—I won't name names—to come out and say this bill is anti-consumer or it's nonsensical. It would open up a floodgate or somehow cause Google to start charging for search. That's happening. When those guys say it, when the progressives say it, they are basically used as a stalking horse, that's when the platforms can really maximize their politicking and their political leverage to try to achieve some wins.
For someone who is not paying attention to where the money is flowing, it can be very confusing, but I feel like lots of newspaper reporters, in the U.S. at least, have wised up to where the money is coming...and who is buying whom. They can suss this stuff out.