As I said in my original statement, it's almost too late. We look at the big papers like the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Sun. Before I got here, we looked at those numbers. The Toronto Star was I think 600 and change and is now down to 178 members. That's over 500 members who walked out the door in the last 10 years. I remember talking to the unit chairs in that publication about the day the paper died and the people walked out and all of those journalism jobs.... You look at 500 journalists walking out.
Sure, lots of new publications are starting up, maybe 200, but those are one and two people here and there popping up creating little tiny outlets. But when 500 people walk out the door in 10 years in one outlet.... And that's the same at the Globe, not 70% but 50% or 60%, and at the Toronto Sun similar numbers. Hundreds and hundreds of journalists are leaving the business. It's just devastating. So, yes, there are lots of new publications popping up, onesies and twosies over here and there, but it's not filling the void.