I do have a question. Thank you.
Within this, we're talking about digital news intermediaries, and it's within that definition that we therefore determine whether or not this amendment is suitable, because the amendment would change this clause and its application.
My question is with regard to the CRTC having jurisdiction. Mr. Ripley earlier said that the CRTC does have oversight with regard to broadcasting but not with regard to newspapers. He did go on to clarify, though, that the CRTC would.... This is where I need further clarification, because it sounded like Mr. Ripley was saying that the CRTC would determine, with the help of the Governor in Council, what constitutes a DNI, but if I heard him correctly, he said that the CRTC would not be interfering or having a role to play in terms of determining what qualifies as an eligible news intermediary.
I am just looking for further clarification around that, because I did get the sense from this legislation that the CRTC would, in fact, have a role to play in terms of determining if an entity fits this definition of eligible news intermediary. I am just looking for some clarification around that definition and what role the CRTC will play.