Thank you.
I'm sorry, Mr. Ripley. I didn't follow that. You're going to need to clarify this. What I'm hearing you say is that there would be an obligation for the eligible news business to enter into negotiation with the DNI, but I don't believe that's correct. I believe it's the obligation of the DNI to enter into negotiation with the eligible news source if the eligible news business is asking for that.
I'm sorry. Can you please clarify that?
I also have a second question subsequent to that. I am curious. When we begin amending a bill in this way.... I guess I'm wondering this: If there's a specific category made for indigenous news outlets, what about other ethnic groups, then? Does that disadvantage ethnic media groups in any way by showing deference to one and not another?
I'm asking for further clarification on that just to make sure that there are no unintended consequences with this.