The motion that is on the table simply creates the definitional concept of “indigenous news outlet”. However, part of what the motion does is then modify the concept of “news outlet” to specify that it includes indigenous news outlets.
If you look at how the concept, the existing defined term, of “news outlet” is used throughout the bill, you'll see that it's used in various places, including, for example, in the exemption criterion that specifies that digital news intermediaries must sign agreements that do a variety of things in order to obtain that exemption.
My interpretation or understanding of the effect of this or the motivation behind this amendment would be to be explicit that the concept of “news outlet” includes indigenous news outlets, which would have the effect, then, of requiring digital news intermediaries—or the platforms, in short—to bargain with and include indigenous news outlets in their bargaining, in their agreements. That's my understanding.
With regard to your second question, the amendment would create a specific, defined term for “indigenous news outlet”. I won't speak about whether, in my opinion, that has the effect that you put to it. I would defer to the members to speak to that issue.