Thank you.
Again, for those who are virtual, you know by now how to get the interpretation. It's that little globe thing at the bottom. Again, all comments should be addressed through the chair.
In accordance with our routine motion, I'm informing the committee that all witnesses are present; therefore, no connection tests in advance of the meeting were required.
I want to welcome the witnesses who are present to answer any technical questions about Bill C-18 that the members of the committee might have.
We have the Department of Canadian Heritage here. We have Thomas Owen Ripley, associate assistant deputy minister of cultural affairs; Michel Sabbagh, director general, broadcasting, copyright and creative marketplace branch; Joelle Paré, acting director, marketplace and legislative policy; and Frederick Matern, manager, marketplace and legislative policy.
Now we're going to begin. If you recall, at the last meeting, we went through three amendments. One was not carried, and two others were carried.
(On clause 2)
We will begin with amendment CPC-2. We didn't vote on it, I don't think.