Thank you so much, Madam Chair.
We've discussed this aspect of Bill C-18 a lot. It allows parties to reach deals that focus on the use of the content and benefit them both. This amendment, we believe, narrows the scope of what compensation is. We think this may actually lower the value deals for publishers. We've been clear that it's not for the government to determine the conception of value; it's for the parties to come to the table and negotiate on what value is.
Like previous amendments we've seen before this committee, this amendment only benefits the platforms and foreign tech giants. Unfortunately, time and time again, as we're slow-rolling through this bill, the Conservatives seem to want to give platforms the ability to tell news organizations how much they'll get.
I think the rest of the parties have demonstrated that we believe we need to rein in foreign tech giants. It's unfortunate that there's one party here that doesn't share that belief.