With CPC-15, basically the idea is to consider both sides of the negotiating process. There are two entities that are being brought to the table, the DNI and the eligible news business. They are entering into a negotiation, and of course coming to an agreement with regard to the value of news being spread or shared on these platforms.
This amendment asks for true negotiation to be engaged in, which means that both sides of the coin get to be considered. If there is value that is added to the DNI, value gained because the news source is being offered, that is one side. The other side is that if the DNI is offering value to the news source, then that also should be considered. That currently is left out of this legislation.
Again, it looks to truly create an opportunity for bargaining that is not a one-sided negotiation but rather a two-sided negotiation.
I'll leave it there for now, but I do have questions for the officials.