Thank you, MP Gladu.
I don't have a specific figure for you. Our data, again, is based on those organizations that made representations to us.
The National Ethnic Press and Media Council is an example. It would need to be confirmed, but I believe their membership is approximately 700. Again, that would include very small news outlets that would fall into the one journalist category. They have also indicated that if the eligibility criteria is broadened to include two journalists—but including the owner-operator, as well as journalists who do not deal at arm's length—that would include a proportion of their membership.
Again, it would be the same thing with News Media Canada, whose membership, I believe, is in the 500s. As I've mentioned, they have indicated that there were about a hundred of their outlets and their members facing this barrier.
On the third group that I mentioned that has engaged with us, which is the online news publications, I don't have a specific number. However, again, they have shared those concerns.