Through the chair, one observation I would make off the top is that I believe there was an earlier reference to two full-time journalists. That's not the case. It's two regularly employed journalists, which would include—with respect to the first part of your question—two journalists working part-time or one journalist working full-time plus a journalist working part-time.
With respect to the question around one journalist, I acknowledge that as drafted, and even with MP Julian's motion, if it passes, a one-journalist operation would be excluded from the ambit of this bill. I acknowledge the policy debate that's taking place on this point.
The challenge is that there needs to be a mechanism to determine the difference between an individual and a news business or a news organization, so the QCJO.... One reason that the two-journalist criterion was chosen in that context was to make that distinction. Fundamentally, it's a labour tax credit. It's about supporting a news business, and the fact that you have more than one individual is one indication that you're growing a business.
That distinction needs to be made somewhere because, at the end of the day, the mechanism that the bill sets up is that these organizations' eligibility would be determined by the CRTC, and there needs to be appropriate guidance about where that distinction is between supporting an individual versus a news business.