Thank you, Chair.
Chair, you made a great point. You had read out earlier that when we're voting on these different sections we need to be consistent with what we've previously voted. As I said the other day, the only clause I actually voted for was the purpose of the bill, which is clause 4:
The purpose of this Act is to regulate digital news intermediaries with a view to enhancing fairness in the Canadian digital news marketplace and contributing to its sustainability, including the sustainability of independent local news businesses.
This bill is supposed to be helping small local media stay alive, because they've been dying by the droves. When we hear that, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer, between the CBC, which, honestly, with what they're getting of late.... They're almost getting $2 billion in funding. In addition, they're going to take from the $350 million-ish that we think this bill fund will be, and they're going to come out with the lion's share of that. That's not going to achieve the purpose of the bill. The little guys are going to get hardly anything.
I think excluding CBC is right. They will continue to be publicly funded. The government has made sure they don't need to worry about advertising revenue. They'll keep them flush. Let's focus on what the purpose of the bill is. Let's be consistent then and take CBC out.