Thank you so much, Madam Chair.
Again, there seems to be a lot of discussion and goodwill that we need to do all of these things, but no one seems to do this. I apologize, but I think this is unintentionally the lazy way to do this.
First, I don't think the committee has the authority to demand a 10-year policy from the minister's office. I'm happy to be corrected on that. Why aren't we the ones recommending where Sport Canada should be going rather than a rushed report? If there even is the authority, we'll have a rushed report. We have the Christmas break coming. We'll have a rushed report and bring in the minister to then question her about the rushed report that is supposed to set out a 10-year policy plan for Sport Canada.
Why don't we hear from academics? Why don't we hear from experts, people with lived experience, about what they want to see rather than some officials, rushed over Christmas, trying to come up with a report that...? Because it's rushed, we're going to be critical of the minister when she appears, if she's even free these days. We found out about this motion today, I believe, during the meeting, and I don't—