Thank you, Madam Chair.
I, too, think that what Mrs. Thomas is proposing in her amendment is premature. We really need to question Google executives about the company's irresponsible actions. No one in Canada is in favour of censorship. Google's actions appear to be irresponsible, especially considering that the same strategy failed in Australia. It shows a lack of respect for Canadians, who will now be deprived of information they really need.
The point of this motion and this emergency meeting is to convene a meeting so the committee can question the people at Google. If, down the road, we decide to extend our study and to invite department officials, I'm fine with that. For the time being, however, I will not support the amendment because the purpose of today's meeting is to convene a special meeting to examine the Google situation. In the course of our discussions, we may decide to hold additional meetings on the matter, and I reserve the right to change my mind at that time.