It's important to mention that our men's team is currently in the same situation we are. Their budget has been cut for this year as well. We haven't done them justice yet in this conversation by saying that they are very much a part of this, just as we are, and we speak on behalf of them, as well, here today.
Yes, they were given all the resources they needed to participate in their World Cup last year. They are 100% on board with the fight that we have here, and they understand what's on the table for them as we move forward to the 2026 World Cup.
It's concerning that this deal is still so much of the conversation. It's concerning that this was just brought to our attention in the last year and a half. Before then, personally, I had no idea about anything in this deal. As I stated in our opening statement, the upside is so massive that if we don't take the chance to capitalize on that upside, Canada Soccer, the players and the youth are going to pay for that lack of going after it for a long time coming.
It's absolutely crunch time for the CSA to figure out with CSB how to capitalize on the World Cup coming to Canada.