I need to interrupt you, because what you say in technological terms is not how it is seen. You can call it whatever you want, but it's not interpreted that way by the end user.
You can call it a test, you can call it a number of different things, but that's not how we perceive it. That's not how consumers will perceive it.
It's tactical negotiation. You've seen this story before. We've seen it with Australia.
When I talk about weekly newspapers, I'm talking about one mom and pop.... It's not going to grow to 15 or 20. It's going to stay at one.
I have communities that depend on the local papers. You're negotiating with guys who don't need this money compared to my weekly papers. They're not going to get the money. They're not going to get what you're offering. It's not going to go to them. They're at risk in my communities. This legislation and you are not going to fix it. I'm sorry.
You can call it a test all you want, but there are unintended consequences of what you're doing, and they're going to hurt.